Membership is a very important element of keeping the doors open and meeting rents low.  We are a nonprofit charitable organization and need 33% of our income to come from membership and donations.  If we fail to reach this goal we could lose our IRS status and be forced to close the doors.

Becoming a member is easy and will help keep the doors at the ARA open for you and others like you who need a place to meet. Annual membership dues are $100/year. The membership donation is tax deductible. For less than the cost of one cup of coffee per week you can help recovery happen. Please consider becoming a member or make a given freely donation to help preserve this important institution for all.

You may subscribe through our online form here below or pickup a brochure at the meeting place.

If you have questions or need assistance in signing up please contact one of the board members, or our membership team.  Patrick at (559) 213-7767 or Kevin at (916) 247-7326. Be sure to leave a message and we will get right back with you.



Donations are tax-deductible. A receipt will be emailed.
Tax ID #94-3224987

Price: $100.00

If you experience difficulty or a problem with this page or your membership, please contact Kevin Miller at 916 247-7326

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