You won’t find the definition in the dictionary, but it is being used world wide. It is a synonym for a place that recovery groups get together for 12 Step meetings, attend a function, or just sitting and chatting. Some Alanos have restaurants and game rooms. Some are open 24 hours. Currently we are offering a place for 12 Step meetings only and an occasional special function.
The American River Alano is a 501(c)(3) corporation. Our charter and mission is to provide meeting space for 12 step recovery groups. All membership dues and donations are tax deductible. With your help and support we could own our own building and grow accordingly.
You can help by becoming a member or just donate, starting a meeting, support a meeting, encourage others, hold a position on the Board, or be a member on a Committee.
Visit our Membership page for more information on how to donate using cash or a check.
You get an opportunity to participate and help others to recover by making a meeting place available to all.
We have a meeting committee. Fill out a request form and drop in the “Request Box” at the Alano or call Susan, at 916-220-3157
American River Alano
Physical Address:
9346 Greenback Lane
Unit 8, 9 and 10
Orangevale, CA 95662
Mailing Address:
American River Alano
PO Box 2354
Orangevale, CA 95662